Thursday, September 6, 2007


Last Friday, 31 August, I spent the afternoon roaming around Tarragona. There was a photo exhibition I wanted to see & it was the last day, so no more procrastinating. Secret Traces, by Francesco Jodice. Highly recommended.

It was in one of those spiffed-up sheds in the port, 8-10 huge digital screens, visible from both sides. Each one was a projection of a series of still photos following a person, or a car in a couple of them, going about their business around a different city on each screen. It was fun, especially trying to figure out what city you were looking at.

Then I went out to do the same thing, the day's errands. It was one of those magical days when everything comes out just right. A "round" day, as the Spanish say. The last day of August too, a month that's been very special for me for many years, when things happen inside. On my way home I had that feeling of absolute peace that comes over me now and then. Also the feeling that something had changed, like I'd turned a corner. I used to think that meant some big change on the planet, but now I realize it's a change in me. Most of the time I don't know what's changed. I just feel different.

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