Sunday, July 8, 2007

Facts or beliefs?

Recently I read somewhere (quoted as I recall it): "Facts are not important. What matters is what people believe."

Think about it.

We all have our own beliefs, and they can be very different. People seem to accept that notion.

But everybody has their own facts also. Just ask any police investigator. Six people saw the same suspect, and the investigator gets six different descriptions.

A scientist does a piece of experimental research and describes what he/she observed. The facts, in other words. Another scientist repeats the experiment and comes up with different facts. Each one launches a campaign to prove his/her facts are right. Who's going to come out on top? The one who can convince the most people to believe him/her. (I'm not being facetious. That's how it is.)

So how is that any different from events in politics, business......or anybody's everyday life?

Think about it.

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