Sunday, June 17, 2007


Dear blog,

I've thought about you a lot lately but never found the time to pay you a visit. A few times I've felt inspired and composed something in my head -- then forgot all about it. It seems like once I put my thoughts in order -- usually in my head with the intention of writing them down here or in my journal -- whatever it was I was pondering is resolved and that's as far as it goes. Case closed.

Changes are underway, everywhere. But it's a slow process, takes a lot of patience. Sometimes I wonder if I'm going the wrong way, but then I get information that tells me I'm not. At bottom I already know it, but sometimes it's hard to trust to trust your own judgment when it seems to go against everything they shoved down your throat when you were too small to resist. Amazing how those things stay with us and are so hard to get rid of!

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